Growing & Sharing Irises

Sharing the beauty of the Iris

Growing iris rhizomes is pretty simple.  Plant, water, fertilize and enjoy.  Once every 2-5 years you will need to divide your iris, replant the rhizomes where you want, sell or give away the spares, and enjoy.  While I grow over 500 varieties of iris, this has been more of a hobby until last year.  I learned a lot last summer and have been making changes to procedure to prevent the negative experiences many purchasers experienced last year.  I have been installing new water systems for consistent watering.  I probably won't have as many varieties available for sale in 2025, but hope that those I do have will be larger and in better condition.
Please note that I accept checks & money orders (see FAQa) and PayPal only.  

The gorgeous irises pictured here are Golden Panther.(TB) and Junior Partner (BB)

Website Updates
Because I redid three large beds in late fall 2024, I  have very limited offerings for sale this year. 
I may find I have under estimated the number of rhizomes available for some varieties. If so, I will update the inventory at that time.
Note that any variety that does not have a color photo means that I haven't had a bloom stalk to confirm the correct variety.  
I am starting a "newsletter" to send group messages about inventory updates, opening & closing dates and anything else ​I think you might be interested in.  To sign up, click on the icon to the right of the phone icon (top right) that brings ​you to the ​Client Zone where you can enter your contact info and click the newsletter box.

(Image at right is "Plum Loco".)

Iris Classifications

Iris Classification refers to the various sizes

Learn More

Award Categories

Description of the various awards an iris variety may receive

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Parts of the Iris

Description of the various parts of the iris

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Iris "Flower Patterns" & Colors

The color of an iris often depends on the "eye" of the hybridizer. One iris may be called purple while a similarly colored iris may be called violet. For official definitions, go to Listed below are various "standard" flower color patterns.

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Bloom Time

When might your iris bloom?

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Many of my irises this year are eaches, so order early.  I'm hoping I have listed all the irises I have available.  I have listed some that were just purchased last year that haven't bloomed yet.  If I find that I received an incorrect iris (this is an ongoing problem), I will change it on the website and refund $$ if you've already ordered.  Because I am still a "novice" at identifying which fans are bloom fans and which are not, as the bloom season gets closer, I may increase some of my available rhizomes.
Thank you for your business.
The store is set up for payment via PayPal, however, you can make your selections and then let me know you are sending a check.   Send check to J. Shank, 93577 Green Acres Ln, Coos Bay, OR 97420.  I will let you know by email when I receive your check.  (Once you have let me know you are sending a check, I will remove your selection(s) from the inventory.) 
     Please, use the store setup for ordering instead of sending me a list, since some varieties may be sold out between the time you send the email and the time I receive and process it.
     I generally have only one or two clumps of each variety, so will rarely have more that 4 - 10 rhizomes available to sell.  
    Iris are "harvested" after blooming, so I will begin digging and shipping in July and finish in September.  
   Local pickup (and possibly local delivery) by prior arrangement only.
Contact me via email and include an image (to help me identify what you received) and I will send you a refund for the iris you did not receive.  If you want me to send you the correct variety and I have one available, I can do that instead of a refund.

Irises are very tolerant of neglect and seem to grow quite well without human help.  However, for best growth & bloom, they appreciate good soil, water during dry times, fertilizing and weeding.  

Plant irises in late summer to early fall, when nighttime temperatures remain between 40 & 50 degrees Fahrenheit or above.  This gives them plenty of time to get established before the coming winter.  The tall bearded iris varieties are best planted closer to fall because they go dormant in early to mid summer.  If you received bare rhizomes or irises in a container at some point earlier in the year, go ahead an plant them as soon as convenient.  It's better to get them in the ground rather than wait until the ideal time.

Irises bloom best in full sun.  They can tolerate as little as half a day of sun, but it's not ideal.  Without enough light, they won't bloom.  Bearded irises should not be shaded out by other plants.

They prefer fertile, slightly acidic soil (here on the southern Oregon coast my soil is heavy clay, so I am constantly adding organic material, sand and other amendments to lighten the soil).  Good drainage year round is important.  Irises will tolerate wet feet (roots) nicely, but don't appreciate soggy soil. 

Plant the rhizome horizontally with the top exposed (if your climate has hot summers, plant the rhizome just below the soil surface.  Dig a hole @10 inches in diameter and 4 inches deep.  Make a ridge of soil down the middle and place the rhizome on the ridge, spreading the roots down both sides.  Fill the hole with soil and firm it gently.  Water throroughly.  Do not mulch around the rhizome as this may encourage rot in the rhizome.

Fertilize in early spring with an all-purpose fertilizer scratched in around the plants.  Avoid applying high-nitrogen fertilizers.  Reblooming irises perform best if fertilized again after the first wave of flowering is finished.

Taller irises may need staking or they will fall over.  After blooming is finished, cut flower stalks down at the base.  Generally there is no need to cut back the fans (leaves) after flowering as they need the leaves to prepare for next years growth.

If you plan to divide your iris clumps (usually every 2 to 5 years) wait until flowering finishes, Carefully dig up the clump of irises and separate the rhizomes that have both fans (leaves) and roots.  Trim the foliage to 4 to 6 inches, inspect the rhizomes for damage or rot (you can remove the damaged parts).  Replant the rhizomes or share with friends.

The Oregon coast doesn't have issues with iris borers, but we do have challenges with leaf spotting because of the moist climate.  I treat my rhizomes with a fungicide before replanting to help stop the leaf spotting. I also spread slug & snail bait around the area after planting and throughout the year, especially around other bushes or plants where the slugs & snails hide during the day.

Now, sit back and enjoy your irises and their blooms.

  • Green Acres Lane, Coos Bay, Oregon, United States